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Community Life


If there is a key to making the most of “the Mullen Experience,” it is to get involved! 
超过90%的马伦学生参加 全年至少参加一项课外活动. Find the activities that best suit you and discover what we mean when we say, “WE ARE MULLEN!” 由于俱乐部的流动性,下面的列表并不详尽. At any time, students who wish to create and maintain a club should speak with Director of Student Life for approval and instruction.


List of 2 items.


List of 39 items.

  • A Novel Club

  • Alpine Club

  • Automotive Club

  • Card Club

    主持人:Vince Massey
  • Chess Club

    主持人:Mike McGuire
  • Data Analysis

    主持人:Cecilia Brear
  • Art Club

    From popular demand comes a club for all students who love and appreciate art. 你是否喜欢画画, sketch, 或者欣赏别人的艺术, art club aims to serve as a place for art lovers to come together and create something beautiful.
    Moderator: Tom Brotherson
  • Board Game Club

    主持人:Scott Dirrane
  • CORE Crew

    核心团队是一个领导力培训项目. Core is based on a simple concept: linking freshmen with successful upperclassmen. 大三和大四的学生接受团队建设活动的培训, 合作技能发展, 讨论技巧. Link在整个学年提供社会和学术支持.

    主持人:Katie Abeyta, 06年 & 林赛·霍珀07届
  • Cupcake Club

    Cupcake Club inspires students to do what they love – bake and eat cupcakes! 这个俱乐部的目标是为学生们提供一种乐趣, 一起做饭的好机会, sell cupcakes for fundraisers and for mission like during Lasallian Heritage Week, and build community with one another through the shared act of eating delicious cupcakes.
    主持人:Erin Reiner
  • Cultural Club

    主持人:Mikaela Degitis & Janelle Petersen
  • Drum Line

    鼓队的目的是支持大发彩票平台学校, primarily, 但不限于, 通过大发彩票平台的体育赛事. Drum Line is first and foremost a family where students give their best effort to grow as people and as musicians. 这是一个不同于马伦其他任何机构的实体. 它将包括艰苦的工作和极大的快乐. We want students on the Drum Line to love the ensemble and show that love through their musicianship and effort during performances. 鼓线对任何想要尝试的学生开放. Most of the current members of the ensemble do not list percussion as their first instrument, 但我很享受学习打击乐的乐趣. In everything that we learn and do, we work to: "Praise the Lord with our thunderous sound."

  • E-Sports Club

    主持人:Tom Brotherson
  • Fashion Club

  • Fishing Club

    Moderator: Mr. Devon Brady
  • French Club

  • Garden Club

  • Girls Who Code

  • Green Club

    主持人:Julie Metcalfe
  • Jazz Band

    在下半年的晚上开会, 爵士乐队探索多种音乐风格, improvisation, 和表演的乐趣在一起. Varying levels of ability are welcome, standard jazz instrumentation is best (no nose flutes, please!).
    主持人:Heather Davis
  • Lasallian Youth

    信仰服务团体. 每周二在S41的午餐时间开会.

    喇沙修士青年是开放给所有学生. It offers the student a variety of opportunities to minister to the economically poor through direct service and education in the spirit of St. 施洗约翰·德·拉萨尔. Lasallian Youth assist in building a faith-filled community at 大发彩票平台登录. 活动包括祈祷, 帮助社区保持对大发彩票平台喇沙修士传统的认识, 给孩子们一个安全的万圣节, 为感恩节食物募捐, 以及圣诞领养家庭计划. Students help with serving meals to the marginalize senior homeless in the Denver area. Lasalian Youth also works with our sister school in Meki to help raise money for their educational needs.
  • Latin Club

    This is an organization for Latin students to join and discover more about ancient cultures and languages. 学生参加一些活动, 包括频繁的会议, competitions and field trips to the local junior Classical League chapter events in Boulder and Estes Park
    (更多信息请访问http://coloradojcl.org). Students also promote the awareness of ancient cultures by sponsoring events for the student body to attend. 提供火炬奖.
    主持人:Amanda Sherpe
  • 礼拜仪式委员会

    礼拜仪式委员会 prepares the student body, the space and the ministers for worship. We assist in the preparation for school Masses and Friday morning daily Masses, 促进礼仪教育. Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors are needed for all the Masses and prayer services. 每个学生都被邀请加入这个委员会. 培训和会议经常在我的教室举行.
    主持人:Doug Brummel
  • Mock Trial

    主持人:Tammy Christensen
  • Model UN

    Model UN is a simulation of the UN General Assembly and its other multilateral bodies where students perform an ambassador role while debating topics such as gender equality, climate action, global health, and more.
    Moderator: Liz Castellano, 05年
  • 全国荣誉学会

    The Mullen Chapter of the 全国荣誉学会 is an organization that promotes recognition of students for outstanding accomplishments in the areas of scholarship, character, 领导与服务. The society meets throughout the school year and participates in various community service projects. Each year the society elects four officers who serve in leadership roles during the school year. Students will be invited by NHS moderators at the end of their sophomore year.
    Moderators: Liz Castellano, 05年 & Katie Abeyta '06
  • 全国拉丁荣誉协会

    This is a prestigious organization that honors students' academic achievement and good citizenship. 学生必须选修拉丁语, be a member of the Latin Club and receive an A in two consecutive semesters of their Latin classes. 这些优秀的学生提供拉丁语辅导等服务, meriting the highest status and recognition by 大发彩票平台登录's Latin program. 入会仪式每年春天举行,每年必须重新举行. These students will be invited to participate in the World Languages Honor Society and organize activities for the student body. 提供火炬奖.
    主持人:Amanda Sherpe
  • 全国数学荣誉学会

    全国数学荣誉学会, Mu Alpha Theta, 致力于激发对数学的浓厚兴趣, 在这一学科中培养强大的学识, 促进高中学生对数学的兴趣.
    主持人:Marjorie Ader
  • 全国社会研究荣誉学会

    • To promote scholarship and to recognize academic excellence in social studies among high school students.
    • To provide opportunities for exploration in the social studies in the school environment and the community.
    • To encourage interest in, understanding, and appreciation for the social studies.
  • 全国西班牙语荣誉协会

    Moderator: Mary Jo Baldwin
  • Orchestra

    主持人:Heather Davis
  • 学生大使

    Moderators: 林赛·霍珀07届 & Katie Weaver '96
  • Student Council

  • 学生提倡更安全的道路

    Moderator: Heidi Trevithick
  • Sacred Sounds

    This group is composed of students and faculty members who plan and provide vocal and instrumental music at all school Masses, prayer services, 以及其他特别活动. 这个合奏团由声乐家组成, guitars, keyboard, hand drums, 以及其他需要或感兴趣的工具. 每周一定期开会,为即将到来的所有活动做准备, this music group explores different methods and styles used to pray through song. 欢迎并鼓励所有人才和能力水平的加入!
    主持人:Heather Davis
  • 演讲及辩论队

    辩论,表演,发表意见! 大发彩票平台登录 Speech and Debate students demonstrate their communication, research and extensive critical thinking skills throughout Colorado and across the country as members of the National Forensic League. 他们挑战自己和他人,用清晰的语言支持自己的观点, 语句简洁有力. They show their incredible knowledge and creativity through the presentation of their ideas and with their interpretive skills in 11 competitive events. They are Mullen!
    CLICK HERE 查看大发彩票平台最新的信息传单

    主持人:海蒂 & Mike Trevithick | E-mail: Speech@daystartex.net
  • 学生反对破坏性的决定(S.A.D.D.)

    (S.A.D.D.) is the Mullen Chapter of a national organization that promotes healthy life choices for young people. 大发彩票平台提倡学生不吸毒不喝酒, 还有安全驾驶, 意识到饮食失调的危险, 预防自杀, 日期的安全性.
    Moderators: TBD
  • Students for Life

    Students for Life is a nationally recognized club that aims to promote the sanctity of life for allhumans in all places. 欢迎任何想要保护和促进生命的学生加入!
    主持人:Matt Degitis
  • Theatre Club

    Moderator: TBD